ALDI In-Store or Order Groceries for Delivery or Pickup


You can now shop your favorite products from ALDI 3 different ways–
in-store, delivery and now Curbside pickup! You'll save no matter how you shop.


Convenient Grocery Pickup

Shop In-Store at an ALDI Near You

Order Online & Have Your Groceries Delivered


*For Instacart FAQs, please click here

 *Curbside and delivery to limited geographic areas only. Prices may vary depending on the platform used. Additional fees apply to curbside and delivery orders.

*Items on sale in the store may not be on sale through the Instacart platform.Prices and availability are subject to delays or errors and may change without notice. As a result, the in-store price of a particular item at the time a purchase is made, including for weighted items, may differ from what is available through the Instacart platform. Additional fees apply to online orders.