Grocery delivery or pickup questions? Please visit

Grocery Pickup


Grocery curbside pickup now available.

To view pickup locations near you, log in to Instacart and select the "pickup" tab on the homepage or view all Curbside pickup locations here.


How Curbside Grocery Pickup Works

Step one.

Visit Shop.ALDI.US

Shop while on the go!

Step two.

Shop your favorite products

Choose from all our fresh items, everyday essentials, or something new!

Step three.

Tell us when & where

Before checking out, select your pickup location and desired timeframes.

Step four.

Place your order

We’ll do the shopping for you and let you know when it’s ready.

Step five.

Pull up to the designated spot

Look for the blue curbside space and follow instructions on signage.

Step six.

Get groceries and enjoy

An employee will bring your groceries to your car.

Grocery Delivery & Pickup FAQs

Q. How are customer service issues resolved by Instacart?

A. Please contact Instacart's customer happiness center at

Q. How do customers return products that they ordered through Instacart?

A. You can learn more about our return policy here.

Q: Why are there different prices in store compared to what is on my receipt?

A: Item prices may vary from in-store prices in your area. Prices may be higher than in-store prices to cover the cost of personal shopping. Learn More

Q: Why is there a hold placed on my credit card?

A: For orders in process, Instacart places a temporary authorization hold for a slightly higher amount than your estimated order total. This small difference accounts for potential changes in the final total due to special requests, added items, items replaced at a different price, and actual weight of items. Learn More

Q. When will customers receive their refund for a cancelled Instacart order?

A. Refunds may take up to seven business days to process. In some cases, the customer's bank may adjust the original charge amount instead of displaying a separate refund. Alcohol sales are final.

Q: Why is the final total different from my total at checkout?

A: When you place an order, Instacart shows you the anticipated total, including estimated taxes and fees. The final total charged to your card may be different if any changes occur during the shopping process, such as:

  • An item is out of stock and you’re refunded

  • You add an item to your order after checkout

  • An item you order needs to be replaced, and the replacement has a different price

  • An item you order is sold by weight and the exact weight is slightly different

  • Your personal shopper fulfills a special request for an item not in the catalog. 

Learn More 


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*Grocery Pickup is only available for select stores in Dallas TX, Oklahoma City OK, Orlando FL, Tampa FL, Pittsburgh PA, Johnstown-Altoona PA, Erie PA, Buffalo NY, & Clarksburg-Weston WV markets. To see if Pickup is available at your store, visit and select Pickup. Pickup not available in your location? Try Grocery Delivery.


*For Instacart FAQs, please click here

 *Curbside and delivery to limited geographic areas only. Prices may vary depending on the platform used. Additional fees apply to curbside and delivery orders.

*Items on sale in the store may not be on sale through the Instacart platform. Prices and availability are subject to delays or errors and may change without notice. As a result, the in-store price of a particular item at the time a purchase is made, including for weighted items, may differ from what is available through the Instacart platform. Additional fees apply to online orders.